If you would like to renew your membership by paying dues through PayPal (and you do not already have a automatic recurring payment set up), please click on the appropriate button below.
IMPORTANT: This is only for those members who do not have a PayPal subscription already established to automatically bill your credit card every year (a recurring payment). If you are not sure, log into your PayPal account and check to see if you have a recurring payment setup for the Huntsville Photographic Society. If you have a PayPal subscription setup from previous years you are all set. In that case, do not renew using the buttons below since this will lead to two subscriptions and double billing.
Clicking on the buttons below will establish by default a PayPal subscription that will automatically pay your dues when your active status is about to expire.
If you do not like the idea of a recurring automated payment, you may cancel the newly created subscription immediately after paying your dues using this method. Simply return to your PayPal account and cancel the subscription. If you do this, your membership account will remain active for one year and you will need to remember to return to this page when your membership is about to expire and repeat the process. Of course with an automatic renewal, your member account will be maintained active automatically until you cancel the PayPal subscription.